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Sex Magick: Using Orgasms to Manifest Desires


We all, at this point, know what manifestation is and the undeniable power of it. Oprah’s been doing it for a decade, pop songs now market themselves as ‘manifestation songs’ and it’s the topic of every 3rd Tik Tok you see. And as with most trends, just as we feel we’ve somewhat got a good understanding, it changes. So don’t worry, I’ve poked my nose into the articles about manifesting during sex and I’ve seen some things so that you don’t have to. So let me give you the ins and outs (don’t start) of what I’ve learned.

The Ins & Outs…

Sex is an exchange, a strengthening, a combining and an ebb and flow of energy. As you reach the point of orgasm your mind and body are completely focused but also serenely empty at the same time, and this is the same state you are trying to reach in while meditating. Both of these practises are cleansing your energy, orgasming is a purging both spiritually and literally.

According to the practises of tantra, during the moment of orgasm there is an unrestricted flow of energy between all your chakras, creating an environment where you are at your most receptive. To take this perfect moment and channel all the energy you have onto the things you wish to manifest, seems to produce promising results.

What You DON'T Want to Do

However, I can understand how maybe this practise, if done incorrectly, could be kind of icky or even problematic. For example, if you’re using the orgasm you’re having with one person, to manifest a future relationship with another person, you need to have a word with yourself. Or imagine you’re in a passionate special moment with your partner, and they’re thinking about a Ferrari. Jerk move right?

Lone Wolf or Go Team

So to help with this issue I’ve decided there just has to be two different types of orgasmic manifestation. The solo and the team effort. The purpose of this practise is not to take you away from the moment you’re physically experiencing, it is to turn sexual energy into good confident energy. So when you are with a partner, instead of thinking of something specific or materialistic, instead just take on the feelings of someone with those things. As you climax, mindfully absorb that euphoric feeling, and know that’s how you will feel, WHEN YOU DO get those things or become that person you desire. Carry that energy with you. If you struggle with this concept, an easy way of doing this would be to imagine as you climax that you are storing that amazing, beautiful energy in a bottle, that you now carry with you. Imagine the colour of that energy, how it moves, what it would sound like. And when you need that confidence, imagine you’re uncorking that bottle inside of you and letting that energy consume you, like the day you harvested it.

Similarly, when you are having a moment to yourself, you can have complete freedom with what you think about in the climax, because this moment is just for you. Think about a Ferrari if you wish, whatever gets you off. That is the beauty of having that moment to yourself, complete freedom. Masturbate with crystals on your body, do it on a yoga mat after a routine, upside down, endless possibilities. Realistically, it’s never that sophisticated, planned or pretty. But we have dreams to manifest, and making a little effort goes a long way. You can use the imagery of the bottle as well, but the energy is a different colour.

Why is Yours a Different Colour?

Everyone’s energy looks, feels, sounds, smells, and acts differently to yours. And the energy you get from sexual partners will feel completely different to your own. Think of it like this, the energy you get from sex with another person should feed your self-esteem in the sense that someone is looking at you lustfully, someone is yearning to touch you. The energy you bottle and keep from that should empower you in the sense that it reminds you that you are desirable, wanted, needed. That energy can effectively be put towards manifestations that revolve around people needing to have that same energy for you. Feeling confidently that a dream job WANTS YOU, that money LUSTS for you and so on. Whereas the energy you get from making yourself orgasm, is obviously a more self-empowered, self-made energy. Use this powerful energy to manifest things that you put out there. Manifest more confidence, manifest better work that you do, manifest better motivation. Anything that can only come from your decisions rather than someone else.

Final Breaths

In a nutshell, the energy you get from sex will help you manifest things and people wanting you. The energy you get from yourself, will help you manifest things that only you can give yourself.

So go forth and get jiggy. Manifesting is a skill, and every skill takes practise and so practise makes perfect and in this case practise is going to be fun.


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