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The Shadow Within
You’re not alone if you thought that ‘shadow work’ meant working with actual shadows. So we thought we’d dispel the myths and take you...

The Magick & Madness Behind Moldavite
We explore the hypes & trends behind moldavite - a tektite that can supposedly change your life.

Embracing The Craft in Your Everyday
Whether you’re practising in secret, not feeling your usual connection to your magick, or simply want to make the mundane more special,...

Magickal Podcasts for Witchy Listeners
The extreme popularity of podcasts came hard fast and out of nowhere. Quickly, they have become a perfect tool for learning, with many...

5 Essential Apps for The Craft
Witchcraft may be as old as time, but that doesn’t mean it can’t move with the times. There is now a huge selection of apps that can be...

The Secret Craft: Broom Closet Witches
Not everyone can practice their craft freely and with no limitations. There's still a stigma against witches and witchcraft.

Sex Magick: Using Orgasms to Manifest Desires
We all, at this point, know what manifestation is and the undeniable power of it. Oprah’s been doing it for a decade, pop songs now...
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