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Worm Moon Magick


March 28 is another Full Moon – this time, it’s the Worm Moon! On the cusp of Virgo and Libra, this Full Moon is an excellent time to practice your craft. Let’s delve into this month’s Moon, what it means, and how you can celebrate it.

The Virgo-Libra Cusp

The combination of an earth sign (Virgo) and an air sign (Libra) is a powerful one, in both moon phases and people born on the Virgo-Libra cusp. The mix of Virgo’s traits of loving a clean space and Libra’s love of beautiful spaces are a match made in Heaven, and if you didn’t do a Spring clean on last month’s Snow Moon, you’ll definitely want to now! If you’ve got the ability, perhaps a décor upgrade is due – a perfect combination of a clean space and a beautiful space.

Spring is Coming

The phrase ‘Worm Moon’ may sound a bit peculiar: after all, what do worms have to do with a planet in the sky? March’s Full Moon is actually all about celebrating the arrival of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. As the ground thaws and slowly grows warmer, worms are able to thrive and you’ll start to see more of them – hence the slightly bizarre name.

If you missed Ostara, take some time on the Worm Moon to celebrate the end of Winter and think about longer, sunnier days ahead. It also helps that in the UK, the clocks go forward one night before the Full Moon at 1am. In such a hard year and a winter that felt never-ending for some, this year’s Worm Moon is the perfect time to welcome Springtime in all its beauty!

Getting Magickal With The Moon

As always, Full Moons are considered a great time to practice work that’s themed around banishment and endings. Think cleansing your space, banishing negative energy, and collecting some moon water while you’re at it.

As we move into Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, you might also want to think about the changing of seasons in your magick. Perhaps you can celebrate the banishment of Winter for another year and invite in warmer, positive energies to match the coming of Spring.

If you’re able to get out into nature, now is an amazing time to do it. Inspired by our ideas to celebrate Ostara, thinking about how the natural world changes with us will make for some meaningful spellwork and rituals. Changing your altar with the changing season might also be something you’d like to do.

What are you doing to celebrate the Worm Moon? Let us know on our socials!


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