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Deciphering Cosmic Language: Sun, Moon & Rising


Birth charts are confusing, there’s no doubt about that. But once deciphered, they can reveal so much about your personality and goals - more than what your typical Sun sign can offer. Here, we’re breaking down the big three: Sun, Moon and Rising.

Just a little context

Your Sun sign is your main sign, and most people will know what theirs is. Often people will discredit astrology based on the fact that they don’t feel they can relate to all of the traits that are associated with their Sun sign. This is because your other placements affect your personality just as much, and often will contradict what your Sun sign represents.

To give you an example, I am a Taurus, and we tend to have a strong dependence and love for stability. While there are aspects of my life where I enjoy routine, I am flighty, and I love and crave change. That’s my Gemini Moon’s fault - she’s a nightmare.

You can determine your Sun, Moon and Rising placements through an online birth chart - as long as you know your exact time of birth. Without knowing, you can't be sure of your rising sign, as this changes every couple hours.

Sun Sign

The Sun sign does not describe the way you behave. Instead, it will reveal the things that you consider real and most important in life. It influences your truest self and core values. And like any trait, you can work on it. Take your Sun sign as the basic blueprint of yourself. Everything else adds your complexities, layers, and uniqueness. In the wise words of Shrek, “onions have layers,” and you, my friend, are an onion. You are not defined by just one sign.

Your Sun sign is a good indicator of who you are compatible with, as you can pair yourself with someone who has the same values as you. So dear Capricorn, yes that gorgeous Leo looks tempting but stay in your Earth sign lane and don’t get your heart broken.

In addition, it will also reveal how you recharge:

Fire signs: You guys are so driven by your aspirations, you’re prone to bursts of motivation. So you’re able to recharge most effectively with physical activity, whether that be the gym, dance or however else you let off some steam!

Earth signs: Truly motivated by materialism and practicality. When you’re productive that’s your way of recharging, so stop overthinking it and just go work. You also recharge when you’re feeding your indulgences and your credit card bill always suffers for this.

Air signs: My intellectual bunnies, we know you love to strut your smarts! So go recharge where you do it best, in a social setting. And for everyone else, don’t feel bad, they’re just smarter than us. Deal with it.

Water signs: I say this with no shade, but if you get pulled aside at a party for a deep chat you wanted nothing to with, it was done by a water sign. You lot can’t help it; you thrive on deep emotional connections. You are raw, real, and you don’t do fake. You recharge by having those emotional and sometimes intimate experiences.

Moon Sign

There is no day without night, and there is no whole picture of you without your Moon sign. You are only understanding part of yourself if you’re only taking your Sun sign into account. Another way of thinking of it is that your Sun is awake, it’s your obvious and outward traits. Your Moon is subconscious: it’s the soul behind your identity. The part of you that you feel you tend to hide, the part that dictates and drives your emotions. The private you.

As the Moon sign dictates your emotions, it’s also important to know your partner’s Moon sign to see if you will fulfil each other’s emotional needs.

The Moon sign is something for those who identify as female should really focus on, as the Moon is full of feminine energy. So really getting in touch with what your sign is telling you will give you a better idea on how to really connect and get in touch with your divine feminine energy. Look out on our website for more on how to do so.

Rising/Ascendant Sign

When I first got into astrology I got confused and thought these were different things, but they’re not. Your Rising sign is essentially people’s first impression of you, the version of yourself you put out there.

It will also give you an idea of your true style and how you like to wear clothes and accessories to express yourselves. Please note, this represents the style you’d love to have and your true aesthetic, not the one you currently wear! Don’t feel like you can’t relate to your Taurus rising because you aren’t wearing designer everything - you still look designer without the label.

You can usually tell what someone’s approach to life will be like by looking at their Rising sign. A curious cat Air sign will want to understand everything and everyone it comes across. Ambitious Fire signs want to leave their mark on the world; they want to literally set the world on fire. The leader Earth signs have a very grounded position when approaching life, and we look to them in times of trouble. Sweet Water signs, you are the empathetic voice and in life you take it as an emotional journey and your charitable nature puts you on a life path of helping others.

Here are just some of the basics but there’s a lot more. Make sure you stay tuned at The Unfamiliar Hour to find out about the other placements and what they mean!


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