Lilith is a character shrouded with mystery and allure. In Sumerian, she’s the “wind spirit”, and in Hebrew, she’s the “night creature”. And for modern witches, she’s a force to be reckoned with.
Lilith has appeared in a plethora of folklore stories, serving as a timeless muse for poets and painters alike. The earliest mention of Lilith can be found from a Sumerian epic poem from 2000BC, as a formidable demon. And during the Babylonian era, statues were created in her image, often beautiful with bird-like features.

According to Jewish mythology, Lilith was the first woman - and feminist as it goes.
The first wife of Adam, Lilith was moulded from the earth just like him (unlike Eve who was made from Adam’s rib). In her mind, they were equals, but Adam had other thoughts. After refusing to lie beneath Adam during sex, and to bow down as his lesser, Lilith grew wings and flew away.
Dark Side of the Moon
In witchcraft, paganism and the occult, Lilith is considered to be one of the dark deities, referring to her as the “Goddess of the Night” and the "Goddess of Witches". She is usually called for spellwork during the waning or dark moon phase, which occurs just before the new moon. The dark moon is said to be the most potent of all the phases.
Lilith is also celebrated as a figure of female and sexual empowerment for her rebellious actions in the Garden of Eden. Emma Kyteler, who has been practising witchcraft and paganism for two decades, says: “behind every female activist is Lilith energy, guiding them through their anger.”
In astrology, Lilith represents the darkness that hides beneath the surface; the secrets we keep away and the aspects of ourselves that we can’t confront. It also signals repressed sexuality, and what leaves us most vulnerable. You can determine your Lilith planetary placement through a birth chart, like with sun and moon signs.

Connecting, Harnessing & Divining
The wisdom and power of Lilith is harnessed by many women seeking a boost to their self confidence, self worth, self love and of course, their sexuality. She is often called upon during sex magick, and can help you enhance and take control over your own body and pleasure.
It’s important to remember that deity work is not usually advised for beginners, as it can sometimes be overwhelming and requires a level of skill and experience. However, if you have been getting signs, or feel ready to embark on this new journey, deity work - especially with Lilith - can be incredibly fulfilling.
Many pagans and witches have incorporated Lilith into their practice, and one key way of doing this is through offerings and correspondences that tie in to her nature and essence.
Lilith evokes the element of air, a nod to her wind spirit origins. Incense and feathers are often used to represent this.
Black and red is Lilith’s domain, representing the darkness and passion within us. Simply light a red candle during rituals and spells, or use a black cloth for your altar.
Rose, mugwort and sage are typical offerings to Lilith. For this, you can place the herbs in a jar or box.
Crystals: As black and red is associated with Lilith, crystals of that colour are ideal to use. Red jasper, garnet, black moonstone and obsidian are popular choices, as well as the versatile clear quartz.

As well as offerings, another way of connecting with Lilith is through tarot readings. Divination is an excellent way of unlocking your subconscious, as well as opening your mind and soul to higher energies. The spread is typically placed in the shape of a pentagram, with the sixth card in the middle. But it can also be laid out in a row for easier reading.
How can I assert my independence more effectively?
How can I become more creative in my life and/or work?
How can I embrace every part of my sexuality?
How can I liberate myself from the oppression put upon me by others and/or society?
In what ways can I embrace my darker elements within me to become more powerful in my life and/or work?
What message does Lilith have for me?
Lilith: a demon to some, and a Goddess to others. If there's one thing that can be unanimously agreed upon, it's what she represents: sexual freedom rebellion, assertiveness, a refusal to be inferior. How about that for women power?