Witchcraft isn't all cauldrons and candles - today you can find simple and subtle ways to incorporate the craft into your everyday. For me, I like to bring a little magick into my creative hobbies, and here's how I do it.
Punch Needle Embroidery
My main hobby is punch needle embroidery: it’s an incredibly therapeutic craft that involves, you guessed it, punching a needle into fabric with yarn. It’s very versatile and I could write a whole post just about the things I love about it! But it’s also an incredibly easy way to practice magick.

One of my favourite types of magick is colour magick. And I happen to own an embarrassing amount of wool in almost every colour. If I’m feeling especially crafty, I’ll pick wool in colours that match my manifestation and imagine the spell working while I’m punching. For instance, blue corresponds to healing and yellow is used in confidence spells.
In addition, It works particularly well for spell work that focuses on banishing and endings, as I can imagine myself punching the negativity out with my needle as I work. But thinking about breathing life into my manifestation as well as into my art for a new beginning can be excellent, too.

Another hobby of mine is cooking and baking, which also align well with herbal magick and general kitchen witchery. I can either choose to add ingredients with agreed-upon meanings, or take matters into my own hands and choose what they mean to me as I add them to my food. Stirring a mixture clockwise can bring in new energies and abundance, while stirring counter-clockwise can help to banish. Think of clockwise as a new moon, and counter-clockwise as a full moon. Adding my intentions to food is such a great way to create a little magick and nourish myself and my family at the same time.

Regardless of your craft, you’ll know that it can help you focus and get more in tune with yourself while creating something you love. I think this goes hand in hand with more introspective areas of the craft, such as shadow work, which we’ll be posting about very soon. It’s a way to practice your magick without having to be open with anyone you live with! Plus, there are so many different ways to manifest things in your life through craft – be it crystals, divination, herbs, or colour magick.
What are your favourite ways to get magickal with crafts? Let us know on our socials!